

More than 80 billion neurons, trillions of synapses and almost 6 kilometres of neural pathways: The brain is an anatomical masterpiece; it is our control centre, memory store, coordinator of thoughts and movement – and still puzzles science. In medicine, the focus is on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, but also on cerebrovascular disorders such as strokes and brain tumours, notably glioblastoma.


News • Aphasia rehabilitation

Why singing helps the brain recover after a stroke

Singing rehabilitates speech production in post-stroke aphasia. Researchers at the University of Helsinki investigated the rehabilitative effect of singing on the brain.


News • Missed in MRI

Multiple sclerosis: PET scans reveal 'hidden' inflammation

In some patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), symptoms worsen during treatment, but MRI scans do not indicate any change. In such cases, positron emission tomography could help, a new study suggests.


News • Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumours

Understanding the development of AT/RT brain cancer in children

Unlike most tumours, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid (AT/RT) tumours develop very quickly. Now, researchers explored the mechanisms of these aggressive brain tumours that mainly affect young children.


News • High-resolution brain imaging

11.7 Tesla: First images from the world's most powerful MRI scanner

With a field strength of 11.7 T, the Iseult MRI machine currently is the most powerful scanner of its kind. Now, the first images of a living human brain showcase impressive resolution.


News • Large language models in neurology

Chatbot-like AI tool to locate brain damage after stroke

Could a chatbot-like AI tool locate brain damage after a stroke? In a new study, large language model GPT-4 processed text from health histories and neurologic examinations to locate brain lesions.


News • Tissue analysis tool

'Smart scalpel' to help remove brain tumours

Researchers have developed the 'iKnife', a smart scalpel that is able to recognise healthy tissue from brain tumour in seconds as it cuts, with more than 98% accuracy.

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